Crazy to oppose Jaytee

On all known form – and an ideal draw in red – it is impossible to opposse Paul Hennessy’s Jaytee Craze for this afternoon’s KAB Maiden Derby Final.

With ‘known form’ that includes a 28.14 run for Shelbourne’s 525 yards and a 29.53 victory over the Dublin 550 course, Craze’s running style suggests he will relish every one of the 500 Towcester metres. Whether he can trap as well as he did in last week’s semi is pure speculation though four and a half length runner-up Miami Bullet is the second fastest qualifier.

4/7 Jaytee Craze, 5/1 Miami Bullet, 13/2 Garfiney Blake, 14/1 Barefoot Awesome, Glorious Tom, 16/1 Jaytee Etienne

Full meeting

Reviews of last night’s two Category One finals will be carried in separate articles.