In light of the current challenges facing the industry, the IGOBF cannot over emphasise RCE’s  role in the appointment of a knowledgeable, experienced and competent CEO for the greyhound industry. A leader with a clear vision and a willingness to engage with all the stakeholders who are tirelessly working for the betterment of our industry is required.
The vital importance of firsthand experience of greyhound racing and above all a passion for our great sport must be an essential prerequisite for any future candidate for the position at this point in time.
We need a CEO that will ‘hit the ground running’ and that will continue to build on the greyhound industry’s role  as a very significant contributor to the Irish Economy.
Ireland has always been the home of the greatest racing greyhounds in the world. Our unique Irish culture and our world famous Greyhound heritage is something that must be nurtured and protected and celebrated.
Welfare must take top priority and the new CEO must continue the good work that has already been achieved.
All members of IGOBF fully understand and appreciate the importance of appointing the right candidate to the position of CEO and we are willing to work and engage with the appointed successor.
The future success of our sport depends on the right candidate been selected for the job as opposed to a political appointment. All too often a square peg is put in a round hole. The future of our industry depends on a successful appointment.

Damian Matthews