I was extremely pleased to see Mark Bird appearing as the guest columnist in the Racing Post’s Monday column this week.  We as a sport are lucky to have Mark on board and fighting our corner , I seriously dread to think where we would be if it hadn’t been for his work over the past few years.  Thankfully , the days of seeing board members running for the toilets are long gone , whether its with positive news , or negative , the current board and Mark in particular never hide away from discussing it in public.  This approach is the only way in which the sport can progress in an open and transparent manner.  This however isn’t to say that I always agree with Mark’s opinion and i’m sure neither does he with mine.  Indeed it would be extremely unhealthy if that were the case.  This leads me onto a comment Mark made in the aforementioned Racing Post column on Monday.  News of a retirement bond for all greyhounds entering the sport is much needed.  Let me clarify here and now that I am fully behind such a bond and it can only be a positive step in securing a happy retirement for each and every greyhound leaving our sport.  I am however a realist and for this bond to fall solely as the responsibility of the GBGB and registered owner is plainly wrong and is not seeing the burden of responsibility shared around all relevant stakeholders.  Sure , as owners we all have a responsibility to our greyhounds and their ongoing welfare upon retirement is rightfully the responsibility of us all.  That’s not to say that other sectors who are running profitable businesses off the back of our greyhounds and both theirs and our love of the sport.  Greyhounds love to race , owners love to watch their greyhounds racing , it’s a happy relationship that suits both parties.  There are others within the sport though that are making money off the back of this , promoters and bookmakers to name just two parties.  Ours is a sport which can only thrive when all of the parties within it accept a mutual responsibility to the athletes who race around our tracks.  That responsibility should not end upon retirement and this is why I hereby call upon all sectors to make their fair contribution to the retirement bond scheme as mentioned in Marks column.  I have since the column been in contact with Mark and he assures me that the proposal for the bond to be paid for by the GBGB and owners is still open to negotiation and the exact format is yet to be confirmed.  As such I call upon all my fellow trainers and indeed owners to contact myself by whatever means necessary , I can be contacted by email at [email protected] , by telephone on 07812 131618 or as usual I can be spoken to at the track at anytime.  Your opinions are being sought after by the GBGB and I will gladly be sharing them at the next meeting.  If owners would prefer to contact their representative John Coleman , John will also gladly pass on your thoughts and opinions.