The finals of the Coral sponsored Olympic and Curtis/Ballyregan Memorial brought a thrilling end of the year on the South Coast.

King Memphis and Droopys Clue went unbeaten through the respective competitions unbeaten and connections might have justifiable claims that they are the top standard distance and stayer hounds in training in Britain.

Droopys Clue was first up

DROOPYS CLUE (t3) squeezes past the challenging Swiper (t2) as he leads around the first bend in the George Curtis/Ballyregan Bob Memorial Final Photo: © Steve Nash

DROOPYS CLUE on his way to victory in the George Curtis/Ballyregan Bob Memorial Final Photo: © Steve Nash

Bert Cusack (second left, legendary owner of Yankee Express and Lone Wolf fame) accompanied by Charlie Miller (right) presents the George Curtis & Ballyregan Bob Memorial trophy to Droopys Clue’s co-owners Alex Hambi and Steve Hughes. Also pictured from left: Lena Birch (Hove Manager), Seamus Cahill, Hayley Maskew, Roger Brooke and Teresa Cahill. Photo: © Steve Nash

Then it was the turn of King Memphis

Racing Manager Rob Abrey (right) presents the Coral Olympic trophy to Simon Senyk after King Memphis’s victory Photo: © Steve Nash

KING MEMPHIS Olympic winner Photo: © Steve Nash

It was a good night for the KSS Syndicate who also saw Queen Shakira produce the fastest 500m run of the night in the Coral Christmas 500 final.

QUEEN SHAKIRA wins the Coral Christmas 500 Trophy Final Photo: © Steve Nash

A good one too for Ricky Holloway who landed the Merit Hurdle with Lenson Doolin and the £1,000 Christmas Maiden Final with Droopys Roster

LENSON DOOLIN Coral Merit Hurdle winner with Ricky Holloway and RM Rob Abrey Photo: © Steve Nash

DROOPYS ROSTER (t6) takes a wide path to win the Christmas Maiden Trophy Final for Ricky Holloway and owner Roger Cearns. Photo: © Steve Nash

Perhaps the most entertaining race of the night was the 970m marathon won by a Mystical Love. If you haven’t see the race, the result sheet gives an indication. Commiserations to connections of the disqualified Tommys Dove – who was rightly DQ’d – but simply looked as though he thought he was at the pick-up.

This is the event

A MYSTICAL LOVE comes home over 19 lengths clear in the 955m marathon, where runner up Tommys Dove (t3) was disqualified after interfering with Glengar Bomber (t6, top left). Photo: © Steve Nash

More photos from the Steve Nash collection:

BRADYS BULLET winning 695 open on Olympic night Photo: © Steve Nash

GETUP ME LAD (t3) wins puppy open from Westway Zoro (t6) Photo: © Steve Nash

EIRE BUCKLE wins 500m open for Richard Rees Photo: © Steve Nash

CLAIRKEITH SANTI (t6) gets up to win 500m open from Ashwood Bocko (t5) and Molly Maid (t2) Photo: © Steve Nash

33-1 shot LAMORNA AMAZE wins 695 open Photo: © Steve Nash

OWER MYSTERY wins the Olympic Consolation Trophy Photo: © Steve Nash

June Harvey and her family on the podium after Ower Mystery’s Olympic Consolation win Photo: © Steve Nash

Seamus Cahill’s Yarmouth Derby winner WATCH THE LIMO (t4) completes the night’s action at Hove with victory from Droopys Request (t3) in the Standard Trophy Photo: © Steve Nash

Patrick said:

Nathan said:

Editor’s notes:

Rab McNair has featured heavily in this feature in the last seven days, but after four Cat One wins in a week for the KSS Syndicate, we make no apologies for that. The following sound track was recorded after Queen Joni’s win in the British Bred Derby Final at Sheffield.

The reason that we are including it though, is because it refers to the cameraderie that exists between so many of the trainers – something that is seldom acknowledged. Publishing is on the day before Christmas seems particularly appropriate.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Remembering 2023 –  May