The competitive teeth of the BAGS/SIS Track Championship were bared following the draw for the second leg at Towcester tonight. On Wednesday afternoon, the qualifying age for the puppy events was eased to October ’14 whelps from November ’14s. The rule change came with several of the tracks having previously submitted their teams, though Swindon and the hosts were able to benefit from the change.

The Hall Green racing office were particularly outraged amid suggestions that a number of their trainers were threatening to boycott the event.

BAGS Scott Harvey responded: “Maybe you should ask Hall Green about the rule change two years ago when they were unable to provide a suitable pup and we changed the rules to allow for it. We were advised that several tracks were struggling to find suitable November whelps, not just Towcester and Swindon. We are always looking to make changes to benefit the competition and keep it competitive. What is the point of throwing in an inferior pup with no chance if a track doesn’t have a suitable runner? Maybe next year we will drop the puppy race altogether.”

But surely the argument is not in the rule change but when it occurred?

Harvey responded: “We try to keep flexibility in the rules which is why we allow for reserves in case of injury or bitches in season. All the tracks were informed on Wednesday afternoon, though to be honest I don’t know what time Towcester called as their cut-off point to have entries in.

“Overall, with the exception of one race involving Droopys Heaven, the early odds suggest the whole event looks very competitive.”

Let battle commence . . .






