Soil at the location of the planned new third bend

Soil at the location of the planned new third bend

Stadia UK director Bill Glass is bracing himself for the imminent commencement of work on the new Swindon Stadium.

He said: “The end of the carpark has been taken over by a mound of several thousand tons of soil which are needed to raise levels for the new greyhound track. As regulars would know, the land falls away on the edge of the site. Work is on schedule to start in June and I am warning the trainers about the disruption to the carpark.”

However, Glass won’t be drawn on when the new stadium will be completed, let alone started.

He said: “You have got to be joking! I give a date, and given there is any kind of hold up and I will be accused of lying. I am prepared to go on record and state that the planning meetings have all been very positive and we plan to build the facility around the business, so the track and kennels come first. I don’t know enough about the specifics of stadium construction to pass comment on it, other than to say, modern facilities are almost pre-built and put together on site very quickly.”

So what is the mood of the locals?

Glass said: “It is surprisingly buoyant. There has been a lot of work taken place already but there will always be the odd doubter. Only last week, one of the trainers commented, ‘see you’ve got all that soil in place . . .  perfect for building houses on’. Whatever.”