To date there have been 133 British bred 2023 litters registered with the Greyhound Stud Book.

This is not the final figure – breeders have three months to register their pups from whelping date. The final figure should be somewhere near the 2022 total of 168.

While the numbers are not huge, the quality continues to improve year on year. Among the Category One winning dams, there are young littes for Queen Beyonce, Queen Jessiej, Drive On Betsy, Fabulous Skylar and Banabane.

They are just the elite, there are a string of proven open race dams and maiden broods looking to build on successful racing careers. Among the surprises is a British bred litter for Gilbert Anderson’s outstanding open racer Singalong Sally. The Irish Derby runner-up has the only litter by Droopys Sydney on the list.

*Hiya Butt/Coney Cheam litter incorrectly transposed on graph below. Anniversary Girl litter whelp date subject to verification.