Welfare Ambassadors call for strict adherence to Firework Policy.

Greyhound welfare is a top priority and as such we, the Welfare Ambassadors, urge everyone to adhere to the guidance within the GBGB Firework Policy 2021

The Policy advises that risk assessments of exposure to fireworks should take place at stadia so that mitigation measures can be implemented to minimise the risk of greyhounds being exposed to fireworks. The Welfare Ambassadors agree with the contents of the Policy which deems the 5th November a high risk period for fireworks and as such advises that ‘racecourses should look to scheduling racing times and meetings to avoid any local displays or exposure’.

Whilst the Firework Policy is aimed primarily at Stadia, everyone who has a responsibility for greyhound welfare, including owners, trainers, kennel hands, media providers, vets and welfare officers etc., has a role to play in minimising the exposure of greyhounds to fireworks. They can, and we urge that they should, make the decision not to race if they have welfare concerns.

Likewise, no one should be penalised if they decide to not race at a high risk time. We ask that those Stadia that choose to race at high risk periods for fireworks, make their risk assessments and mitigation measures public, for scrutiny. Unless there is justification for racing at high risk times it undermines the public trust that the greyhound racing industry places welfare as its top priority.

Lynda Bonner

On behalf of GBGB Greyhound Welfare Ambassadors