Friends of colleagues of Yvonne Gaskin, who died last night in hospital from a suspected heart attack, have been recalling a respected and popular greyhound trainer.

YVONNE GASKIN – Photo: © Steve Nash

Peter O’Dowd was the Romford racing manager who gave Yvonne her break as a trainer in 2017.

He said: “I am absolutely stunned. What a lovely lady. I have known Yvonne in a professional capacity for many years now. When she and Ernie approached me and said that he wanted to ease back to project manage his building project, and how would I feel about Yvonne taking the licence, I had no hesitation at all. She was always extremely professional with a great background having been with Ernie when he went to America and Ireland.

“I always found her to be very good with young dogs, very patient and knowledgeable. She was a very good graded trainer, but as we saw with Chopchop Hope, was more than capable with the open racers too when she had an opportunity.

“Yvonne hadn’t been lucky with illness. A few years ago, I remember her going on holiday with her daughter Gemma and being very seriously ill. At that time I remember Ernie telling me that it was touch and go whether she survived and she needed a stick for a long time afterwards. But this has still come as a terrible shock. My thoughts are with Gemma and the family.”


Among the Romford regulars it was well known that Yvonne was particularly close to John Simpson and wife Mags.

John said: “I would describe Yvonne as a real good fried. Someone who you could rely on. We would phone each other regularly and would always sit at the same table with Yvonne at trial sessions. We used to call it our Tuesday Club. Whenever either of us needed something, you didn’t need to be asked. She was incredibly knowledgeable too, I often asked her for advice.

“I feel absolutely devastated for Gemma who is such a sweetheart. A lovely happy soul like her mum. It is a very sad day and we are all thinking of them.”