Stars of the night – Richard Genders and the dog he paraded, Alfies Prince who retired after winning his 148th race (more from Mark on this). Bottom line, £240 profit for Richard. But the big lad was busy too – Mark Pierrepont all in on Blue Tic George for a £187.50 profit. A great contest – Djokovic v Nadal. Eddie Roberts was the ball boy -£100

As for Yarmouth – if they were to form one straight line, you would only need one bullet.


We have had enquiries from a number of new potential players, plus some old faces who haven’t appeared for a while. So are planning some ‘squad rotation’ next week. Thanks to all those who are dropping out and hope you will agree to get involved in the future. In the meantime, if there are any more potential players out there, please email to: [email protected]



Just the brace of Jimmys today. Steve Anderson decided to drop out until he is “able to implement his new gambling strategy”

(Amazon haven’t delivered his lucky pants).

The form

The views:

Jimmy Fenwick:

Jimmy Wright