Sheffield Racing Manager Andrew Mascarenhas has not selected the dog he rates the fastest in the BGBF British Bred Derby Final. He has gone for a previous Cat One winner based on the trap draw. Here are his views on tonight’s £10K decider.

Betting: 11/8 Queen Joni, 2/1 King Capaldi, 7/2 Signet Goofy, 10/1 Savana Top Cat, 20/1 Acomb Felix, 50-/1 Acomb Johnny

Full card

Unbeaten Bombout Bullet looks certain to start as favourite for Boxing Day’s ARC National Sprint Final following another hugely impressive run in Monday night’s semi finals, followed by a favourable draw in the decider.

The other semi winner, the 37 kilo Bluejig Ophelia is behind on the clock but will be wearing his favoured white jacket.