Winning isn’t everything in greyhound racing. This is an industry that couldn’t survive without hopes and dreams.

It was always thus. The English Derby has been the Everest that so many people have tried to scale but very few have reached.

Liz and Rab McNair and the KSS Syndicate haven’t won a Derby. But they are in there, with a Derby favourite that they bred themselves. Whether they are even players on the big night – is still to be determined.

But for a lad who was brought up close to the Ayreshire coalfields, taking his dogs on the Scottish flaps, Rab McNair is living the dream and trying to enjoy every moment of it.

But King Memphis isn’t the only reason to be excited about this weekend. .

And could there be more to come. . .?

It has been a great Derby to date. But what of the future?

Last but not least – it couldn’t be a Rab McNair interview without some banter. Here he recalls a recent enounter with a man already in the Derby Hall Of Fame, the ever popular Big Kevin Hutton


Thursday: Hove  ♦  Swindon

Friday: Romford  ♦  Sunderland

Saturday: Towcester