Willie Rigney (l) and John Fox

John Fox and Willie Rigney have been promoting the benefits of premium greyhound nutrition for many years and they now believe is the ‘Time’ to launch their own Time brand of greyhound food.

Their new company is called Greyco and their premium nutrition products are called Time Puppy & Sapling, Time Record Breaker, Time Greyhound 28, Time Greyhound 20, Time Maintenance & Retired, Time Bread Nuggets and Time Garmivit XTRA.

John said that they are very excited about their new venture, stating that “our main objective is to improve greyhound performance by improving overall nutrition in all life stages”.  John went on to say that “we have included the ingredient panbonis in our Greyhound 28 product which has been proven to help with bone strength, critically important for racing dogs.”

Willie is well known at race tracks in Ireland and the UK and he stated that “we intend sponsoring and promoting greyhounds and greyhound racing both in Ireland and the UK, helping the industry to grow and flourish with a renewed sense of pride”.  The launch date for the Time brand is mid-February in the UK and mid-March in Ireland.