Yarmouth to drop regular Saturdays

Yarmouth are to drop their regular Saturday evening cards after this weekend though they will continue to stage one or two most months throughout the rest of the year.

The Saturday nights were brought back earlier in the Spring and did not form part of the betting shop service. Although they ‘just about’ broke even, that wasn’t the main reason for their suspension.

Promoter Simon Franklin wrote: “It is really about a shortage of runners. Although we staged opens, they were nearly all our own dogs at a time when we could really do with them for our contracted meetings. I’m still keen to keep them going on an ad hoc basis, but we really need to prioritise our Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays fixtures.

“We will schedule the standard distances, a puppy and a couple of maidens on each of the Saturdays.”

TOWCESTER have confirmed two additional Tuesday trial sessions on Tuesday May 7 and Tuesday May 14. 08:30am kennelling. Trainers to email requirements to [email protected] or by phone on 0800 304 7700.

Sunday’s trial session is sure to draw plenty of attention as it features Irish Derby winner and runner-up Bockos Crystal. Graham Holland also sends along Irish St.Leger winner Glenbrien Treaty. The UK based stars include Links Maverick and Churchfield Syd.

Big Kev’s girls

Kevin Hutton has two Category One finalists this weekend. Jet Stream Angel currently heads the market at 7/4 for the ARC Laurels at Perry Barr, while home bred Southfield Daisy is 10/1 third in for the Coral Brighton Belle at Hove.

Here are his thoughts on both races, his PGR Judgement Night team and some new arrivals for the Star Sports/TRC English Derby.


Tonight: Newcastle

Friday: Romford

Saturday: Hove  ♦ Oxford  ♦ Perry Barr  ♦  Yarmouth

Sunday:  Crayford ♦ Sheffield  ♦  Towcester