Tonight sees the final of the ARC Northern Puppy Derby at Newcastle, with nine supporting opens.

It has been well supported by southern trainers with two locals also making the decider. All six finalists have sub-28.80 form resulting in a tremendously competitive decider – as reflected in the betting (below).

Here is a reminder of the semi finals:   1st semi-Omuircheartaigh    2nd semi-Droopys Display    3rd semi-Coppice Saphire

Followed by the thoughts of the five trainers.

Jimmy Fenwick: Coppice Saphire

Maxine Locke: Droopys Eunice & Droopys Display

Tom Heilbron: Omuircheartaigh

Diane Henry: Clona Curly

Kevin Hutton: Coppice Ella

Betting: 100/30 Droopys Eunice, Omuircheartaigh, 7/2 Clona Curly, 4/1 Coppice Ella, 6/1 Coppice Saphire, 13/2 Droopys Display

(A massive thanks to all the trainers for participating in the audio recordings, particularly the two reluctatant ladies – Ed)

Open form

Thursday:   Hove   +   Newcastle   +    Suffolk Downs   +   Swindon

Friday: Nottingham   +   Oxford   +   Romford

Saturday:  Central Park    +    Crayford    +   Doncaster  +  Monmore

Sunday:    Sheffield    +   Towcester