So 62 races in and we are down to the final six for Saturday’s final of the Star Sports/TRC Greyhound Derby Final, an event that, as always created massive debate and headscratching – writes Floyd Amphlett.

But sitting among the opinions – often uncomforably – are the bare facts.

Mark Pierrepont’s sectionals, recorded to a mark close to the third bend, and calibrated by computer software to be as accurate as the official timing, make for a fascinating additonal angle to race viewing.

Dog men have always attempted to take their own clockings, invariably less accurately, with handheld stopwatches. These figures are the real deal.

We have produced them in trap order with a few observations:


Savana Beau: On paper (or digital screen), it is hard to make a case for the sales purchase landing the final.

His owner reckons he is capable of a 29.20 run, and in a solo trial, that may be accurate. He is certainly the most consistent runner in the line-up – check out his halfways!

Indeed prior to trouble which almost cost him the chance of running down Signet Goofy for the qualifying slot, he could hardly have been more consistent in the second half either.

Beau is clearly a fabulous hound but equally clear, this is not his optimal distance. He is 100% guaranteed to stay six bends, possibly more.

Of course if the racing office were to inadvertantly publish the racecard as a 712m event . . . .

Optimal best: 16.06 +  13.40 = 29.46


Kildare represents a more traditional view of a Derby finalist, a dog who will expect to dominate from the front.

With slow trappers on either side, the potential favourite will need to be near his 15.59/15.62 ‘first halves’ to stand any chance of holding off the stronger finishers.

Though don’t underestimate his stamina. He has broken 13.50 for the second half, which is decent enough.

It has to be added though, he wouldn’t want either of the Hennessey runners waiting to apply DRS coming off the last bend.

Optimal best: 15.59 +  13.49 = 29.08


Hello Hammond: on all known form, you would expect to see the white jacket disputing fifth place with the red around the first two bend.

But from the second bend on, Hammond becomes a 34 kilo missile.

Two sub 13.30 ‘from halfway’ clockings show just how quick he is – in fact there is only one hound in the line-up who can begin to compete with him – and they’ll be traveling in the same van!

If he can repeat his quarter final run, a 29.22 run, it might well be good enough. Track records are seldom broken in finals.

Optimal best: 15.96 +  13.26 = 29.22


Romeo Magico and Kildare are being closely compared as true 550 runners, though interestingly, Magico has marginally the fastest ‘halfways’. Secondly, while he might not have been rated among the early paced stars earlier in the competition, they are gone and he is still there. On semi final form, he is leading at the third bend. Can he then hold off ‘the finishers?’ Because – again similar to Kildare – he won’t want to see white or black and white jackets in his rearview mirrors at the third bend. A repeat of quarter final form gets him a 29.01 clock.

Optimal best: 15.53 +  13.48 = 29.01


Mickeys Barrett must surely rate as an excellent all-rounder. His two ‘halves’ are both decent with no noticeable strength or weakness and he has shown continued improvement as the event has worn on. On all known form, he will be relying on a fast break and trouble because if the final was run on time trials, he would be struggling. A lovely hound though with brilliant connections and whatever Saturday’s result, Mickeys Barrett and his supporters have stitched themselves into the fabric of the 2022 Derby memories.

Optimal best: 15.53 +  13.48 = 29.01


Priceless Jet has been the subject of some bizarre sniping on social media. A near four year old stayer breaking the track record!!! Well the clock doesn’t lie. This lad has everything. He can flash away (15.52), he can finish as well as any (13.26). He is a former track record holder, who found another gear. A dog whose performances say as much about his trainer as his ability. The clock doesn’t lie, though an empty arse pocket often has an opinion.

Optimal best: 13.52 + 13.26 = 28.78 track record