Ian Smyth, Director of Stadia at Entain, today confirmed details of technology enhancements planned at his four tracks in the coming months.
He said: “We’re delighted to have completed the roll out of new photo finish equipment into all four of our tracks. We installed new equipment from Timetronics at Hove a year ago and the improvement in the quality of image was huge. We resolved at that stage to extend the roll out to our other tracks and have had those works completed over the last week.

“The existing image quality just wasn’t good enough and somewhat embarrassing to see photo finishes looking like the nose of the winner had been chopped off.

“You can see from the new image compared to samples of old photo finishes how much clearer & cleaner the photo finish is. We also need to be better at displaying those images quickly and I’ll be working with racing offices and social media teams to do that in the coming weeks.

“In addition to the photo finish installations we are also upgrading our scoreboard equipment at all four tracks before the end of the year. The new technology which is 2.5 mtrs wide x 2 mtr high will allow us to display race replays, photo finish images as well as times and distances.

“Finally after a long winded review process we’re delighted to announce that we commence work shortly to move the camera position at Romford.

“Initial advice was that the present position would be the best location for the camera but with regular feedback to the contrary & some tests carried out by ourselves in conjunction with SIS it is clear that the judges box area offers a far better viewing position.

“Everybody that has viewed the tests from the new position is in agreement that it is a vast improvement on the present location though while improving the delivery of pictures there will remain some obstacles given that the traps and floodlights are in fixed locations around the track.

“We have a number of health & safety requirements to overcome while we make adjustments to the judges box but intend to start work in early July with a target to have fully transitioned over before the month end.”