Sunday’s Combined Greyhound Sales at Sheffield turned over nearly £52,000 with 36 of the 50 lots changing hands on the bench.

Top lot was the 5,300 guineas for Droopys Realm (Aero Majestic-Droopys Hilda, Sep 14). The half sister to Droopys’ Buick, Benz and Scion won her 500 metre trial in 29.02.

Second highest price paid was the 5,300 guineas paid by Colin Finch for Droopys Applaude (Tullymurry Act-Droopys Blossom, Sep 14) who won his trial in 29.24.

That Wont Work (Crash-Bengazhe Babe, Sep 14) was third highest at 3,100gns after winning his trial in 29.19 and being snapped up by Ian Aylward.

Trial 1

  1. THAT WONT WORK ((Crash-Bengazhi Babe, Sep 14) (3,100)
  2. Droopys Rogue (2,850)
  3. Leathems Legacy (N/S)

29.19 1¾, 10½,

Trial 2

  1. RACKETHALL SONG (Ace Hi Rumble-Rackehall Diva, Jul 14) (1,500)
  2. Droopys Fin (1,200)

29.35 4

Trial 3

  1. SLANEYSIDE GEMMA (Scolari Me Daddy-Point Cailin, Dec 14) (700)
  2. Outdoor Kevin (650)

29.88 2¼,

Trial 4

  1. TAKE CHARGE (Crash-Bengazhi Babe, Sep 14) (N/S)
  2. Rockburst King (600)
  3. Mustang Pam (N/S)

30.00 ¾, 4¼,

Trial 5

  1. GO ON JO (Skywalker Ace-Stop Swearing, Aug 14) (1,500)
  2. Fightyourcorner (N/S)

29.39 6

Trial 6

  1. LANODY COOL (Blackstone Gene-Millbank Sue, Dec 13) (1,500)
  2. Garrison Kev (N/S)
  3. Display (N/S)

29.79 5½, 2¼

Trial 7

  1. DROOPYS TIGER (Mall Brandy-Droopys Force, Oct 14) (2,450)
  2. Mustang Anna (1,260)
  3. Sporting Prince (N/S)

29.39 1½, 7

Trial 8

  1. DROOPYS REALM (Aero Majestic-Droopys Hilda, Sep 14) (5,300)
  2. Call Me Aza (2,600)
  3. Sporting Zoe (N/S)

29.02 4½, 9¼,

Trial 9

  1. DUNDROD RIVER (Head Bound-Pony Imp, Jul 14) (2,500)
  2. Droopys Iowa (800)
  3. Droopys Whizz (900)

29.39 3, 6¼

Trial 10

  1. POWERFUL MINX (Ardera Power-Beechview Minx, Jul 14) (650)
  2. Keel Anvil (700)
  3. Ellah Diamond (450)

30.30 1¼, ¾

Trial 11

  1. SLANEYSIDE DOYLE (Taylors Sky-Forest Kay, Jun 14) (1,200)
  2. Barefoot Giada (459)
  3. Wilbrook Shadow (N/S)

29.66 9, 1½,

Trial 12

  1. MUSTANG BRAVE (Taylors Sky-Mustang Spiral, Jan 14) (1,000)
  2. Ellaha Shark (1,000)
  3. Sporting Panda (N/S)

29.51 3¾, 3½,

Trial 13

  1. USAIN JAZZY (Premier Fantasy-Usain Flyer, Jul 14) (S/P)
  2. Lightfoot Vicky (500)
  3. Slaneyside Disco (350)

29.65 ¾, 3½

Trial 14

  1. BLASTOFF HERRERA (Skywalker Puma-Blastoff Sally, Jul 14) (700)
  2. Willowbrook Tiger (600)
  3. White Christmas (N/S)

29.91 10¾, ½,

Trial 15

  1. SEPARATE FLASH (Cashen Legend-Flandy, Jan 14) (950)
  2. Soothing Suzy (600)
  3. Dromoher Breeze (300)

29.58 1¾, 2½

Trial 16

  1. DUNROD CHAMP (Tubbertelly Dubh-Break For Two) (N/S)
  2. Leathems Legend (350)
  3. Sporting Dazzle (N/S)

30.02 26¾, ¾

Trial 17

  1. DROOPYS APPLAUDE (Tullymurry Act-Droopys Blossom, Sep 14) (5,200)
  2. No Back Door (950)

29.24 6¼

Trial 18

  1. MUSTANG SANTI (Kiowa Sweet Trey-Slippery Anna, Jun 14) (1,700)
  2. Leathems Imp (550)
  3. Droopys Road (1,500)

29.28 10½, 4½