Jimmy Fenwick is hoping for a clear run for Bellmore Sally – and himself – in next week’s George Ing St Leger Final at Yarmouth.

The Golden Jacket winner landed the fastest of the three semi finals on Saturday night when overcoming trouble to clock 41.14 (-30) on her second visit to Caister. But Fenwick is under no illusion at the size of the task in the final.

He said: “I was very impressed at how she has overcome trouble in both her heats and semi finals, but this is a very high class final. If you look at the leading fancies before the event got underway, they have all pretty much made the final. The two locals are very good and know their way around, Blueberry Bullet is a quality bitch and ran Sally to just over a length.

“I can see Ragtime Storm possibly leading and she isn’t without a chance plus the two Northern bitches; I would say Coolavanny Aunty will probably start favourite.”

The draw has worked out well with three railers and two middles with five of the six runners returning to their semi final boxes.

Jimmy said: “I’m quite happy with four. Three or four would have suited us. So much will depend on who gets a run.”

Whatever happens, Jimmy is hoping for a less eventful journey next Saturday.

He said: “We had a blow-out on the way home. Thankfully nobody was hurt, it was a 50mph speed limit area but the tyre just shredded. It happened at about 12.30 and by 3am there was no sign of RAC. I eventually managed to get a ’24 hour tyre fitter’ who found us a tyre to get us home and we arrived at 7am, tired, but thankfully none the worse for it.”