Just one in the postbag this week – a final rallying call from Paul Carpenter who is contesting the seat to represent Practitioners in the ownership ballot.



If elected I need to reaffirm three things:

  1. I will represent & support both graded and open race owners equally.
  2. I will try to drive the sport forward and to improve the owners experience when they visit a racetrack – I will look for easy quick simple wins. Bit size pieces. I am not going to change the world overnight!
  3. The welfare & traceability of all greyhounds from birth right through to retirement and then homing is vital. The more transparent the sport can be the better. I personally feel welfare must remain a focal point as public perception of the sport is vital for its future.

Owners need representation, owners need to be heard and owners need to feel respected. Owners for too long have been taken advantage of. I feel with the support of the GBGB together with the promoters, bookmakers, and a clear strategy this can all be achieved for everyone’s mutual benefit.

I have been an owner for over 30 years during which time I have owned greyhounds ranging from modest A11 graders thru to Category 1 competition winners. I have never had a dog put down because of racing injury and every dog I have ever owned has been successfully homed.

I have recently retired but before that I held some senior roles in the logistics world. I have a proven track record within sales, marketing, and operations. I feel my experience, enthusiasm, and passion for our sport plus my related life’s experiences make me an ideal candidate for this role.

I feel I am an open, honest, and effective communicator with a “hands on” team player style of working. Likewise, I welcome the opportunity to work alongside my fellow directors, members of GBGB committees and nominated representative groups.

I am standing for this role because I feel owners need a voice. I feel owners have been somewhat undervalued, neglected and in some cases ignored. I feel it is vital that whoever fills this role must be allowed to report back to the people he or she is representing.

All owners must feel engaged, they at least should feel as though they are being listened to and represented fairly. Open transparent communication is what has been clearly missing for too long.

A constructive use of social media networks can help in communicating with owners. I am prepared to give everyone a chance to have their say respectfully and I would always be prepared to listen to an alternative view.

The perception within our sport is that the promoters and bookmakers together own greyhound racing. I would like to try and change that perception. I genuinely believe there would be no sport without owners.

I also appreciate some things discussed at board level must remain confidential.

I feel my reputation within our sport is that of a responsible, caring, passionate owner who wants to see our sport flourish. Furthermore, I believe I can bring some value & integrity that would assist the owners I would be representing.

Final thoughts

  • Welfare must always be at the forefront of our sport.
  • Every greyhound owner deserves and will receive my fullest attention.
  • I will work closely with the GBGB Ambassadors.
  • I would like to see prize money increased across the board at all tracks.
  • I would like to see less graded racing.
  • I would like to see 10 race cards maximum.
  • I don’t want to see any greyhound being overrun.
  • I would like to see track maintenance improved.
  • Less graded racing would allow more time for track maintenance.
  • With regards to track surfaces, I feel we need a minimum standard – tracks need constant measuring to ensure full compliance.
  • I’d like to see injury data made available on a track-by-track basis.
  • I’d like more graded racing at times when owners can go & see their dogs run.
  • I would like to see a novice racing plan introduced for pups.
  • Open racing must be encouraged & welcomed.
  • Open racing & competition is what makes our sport exciting. It creates “superstars” that the public can then follow.


It is time for the sport to pull together, forget about our self-interests and do something in a way to treat all participants equally and fairly. I am sure I will make mistakes, but I am my own man, and my opinions are my own. No one is funding my opinions. I will continue to communicate my core beliefs to the industry and support all owners if elected to the best of my ability.


Paul Carpenter