Premier Greyhound Racing, the company with media rights contracts for 14 greyhound tracks from January 2024, have issued a ringing endorsement of the Injury & Retirement data released by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain on Tuesday.

Lord David Lipsey, chair, at PGR, said: “PGR is devoted in its continuous strive to drive up standards throughout the sport and I am very pleased to see our joint efforts have contributed to improved welfare for our greyhounds up and down the country. PGR will ensure it works with the GBGB for a joined-up approach for the betterment of the industry.”

Clarissa Baldwin, non-executive director at PGR, said: “The GBGB figures for rehoming and injuries are immensely encouraging. Despite the problems caused by Covid, all the main indicators of welfare standards are as good or better than last year. PGR has put welfare at the heart of its ambitions as a company. These figures are encouraging, but we will only be satisfied when they are even better.”

In her position at PGR, Baldwin focuses on welfare having held numerous positions across the animal welfare industry. This includes 25 years as CEO of the Dogs Trust and more than 20 years as chair of the Greyhound Forum. She was awarded a CBE in 2015 for her outstanding contribution to animal welfare.