Speculation is growing over the future of Perry Barr Stadium with the news that a pre-planning application has been submitted to Birmingham City Council to develop the site for housing writes Floyd Amphlett.

The site is leased to the Arena Racing Company by head leaseholders the Corbally Group, and the site is owned by Birmingham City Council.

It should be noted that this is the very early stages of the process.

Even if granted, there would be a requirement for detailed planning permission, with the associated environmental and traffic impact reports, which would then lead to notice to quit.

Understandably though, the news will no doubt cause concern among the the local owners and trainers, something ARC are keen to address.

Rachel Corden, Greyhound Operations Director for Arena Racing said:  “We are aware that our Landlord at Perry Barr is exploring development opportunities, following a local re-generation programme for the area around the Stadium.

“It is important to stress that there is absolutely no certainty at this point regarding any development. Should any such plans come to fruition, the Landlord will work with us regarding timescales.

“We are absolutely committed to greyhound racing in the West Midlands and have been working on plans to continue to support racing in the region, regardless of the outcome of any planning process.”

While greyhound owners will naturally appear weary, there is some cause for optimism. For while former owners GRA would almost certainly have simply closed the place, ARC appear committed to horse and greyhound racing and have no record of closing venues.

Is it perhaps significant that their statement makes reference to the ‘West Midlands’ where, ‘by coincidence’ they also happen to own Wolverhampton Racecourse.

All of which is taking place while speculation persists that they company may be in throes of buying the combined horseracing/greyhound operation at Dundalk in Ireland.

The company have declined to comment further on either venture.