Greyhound supporters on both sides of the Irish Sea are reeling at news of the death of popular Irish owner and trainer Pat Curtin.

Best known for his amazing Irish Derby/Champion Stakes winning exploits with Shelbourne Aston, the affable ‘Big Man’ was seemingly everybody’s friend, but none have taken the news harder than trainer John Mullins.

Pat first put runners when John’s mum Linda was training at Walthamstow and the pair spoke on a weekly basis for the guts of 30 years. Pat stayed with John when he came to England.

John said: “I am devastated, I don’t really know what to say to be honest. Pat was such a lovely guy, a great family man, with five kids who he loved the bones of. He loved racing and particularly coursing, and was popular everywhere he went. I only spoke to him a couple of days ago. It is absolutely heartbreaking.

“It is sad when anybody dies, but Pat Curtin will be very very badly missed by so many people.”

Oxford trainer Brian King got to know Pat when Brian was running Shelbourne Stud where Aston was bred. The blue brindle went on to land an estimated half a million Euros in gambling winning bets at Shelbourne Park.

Brian said: “I heard the news last night and find it very hard to believe. I know that Pat and John (Mullins) were best mates. Pat was also very good friends with Vinnie Jones; they had coursing dogs together.

“What can you say about Pat? He was just the life and soul of the party. It was impossible not to like him. I remember suggesting some English owners introduce themselves to him when he was in Ireland and Pat took them under his wing, took them to his nightclub and wouldn’t let them spend a penny.

“Anybody could approach Pat and he would chat to them like a friend. It is a very sad loss.”

PAT CURTIN and SHELBOURNE ASTON pictured at Wimbledon in 2009. Pic Steve Nash