The decision to circumvent the GBGB ’36 runner’ mandate for Category One events looks well justified as Oxford prepare for last minute entries for the Stadium Bookmakers Pall Mall.

The 20K-to-winner, 24-runner competition closes for entries at Noon next Wednesday but the closing date for the eight ‘trialstakes’ is at the same time tomorrow. Racing Manager Simon Pearson has no doubt that his Wednesday afternoon will be spent ploughing through race and trial form.

He said: “So far, I think we have around 40 in the book and I am expecting at least another 20 tomorrow morning. For example, I don’t think either Patrick Janssens or Paul Young have entered anything yet and both have trialed dogs. There is always a last minute rush on the day.”

The Janssen entries are likely to include Slick Sakina who covered the 450m course in 26.90, Hawkfield Ozark (27.03) and Coolavanny Shado (27.14)

Among today’s trialists were Arkady with a 27.00 for the 450 metres and Links Maverick with a 26.87. The track record is Eze’s 26.75.

Simon said: “What was particularly impressive about Links Maverick, apart from his time, was his sectional of 3.85. The record is held by local grader Glenhead Tiger (3.83).”

* The last Pall Mall Final was staged on June 19 2012 and was won by Frank Taylor’s You Mind Me.