Local media outlet Lynn News has been talking up the likelihood of greyhound racing returning to Swaffham after the local mayor opened the refurbished function room at the stadium.

While it is fair to say that promoter Eddie Lesley is pressing ahead with plans to re-equip for racing, he is honest enough to suggest it will still be some way down the line before it becomes possible.

The former Rye House promoter said: “. . .the track surface is excellent and next month (after 3 years of trying) the bridge ,which crosses the greyhound track, to deliver cars to the inner stock car track,will be delivered. Two sets of starting traps are with the same engineers for alteration and renovation; could be done before Christmas. The man, who I hope ,will be installing a new hare system, should start work early in the new year.. Keep you posted.”

All of which assumes that there will be enough greyhounds available to support another East Anglian track with closest neighbours Yarmouth and Suffolk Downs both just about maintaining their racing strengths.