Monmore surgery a great welfare boost

The new on-site veterinary surgery has opened at Monmore Green. When operating fully, it will provide immediate high quality care for serious injuries as well as being a convenient facility for the local trainers.

Racing Manager Tony Williamson said: “It has only just opened, on June 23rd, and is run by vet Michelle Tromans with a veterinary nurse permanently on-site. So far, they have mainly been doing castrations, but the x-ray machine is due to be signed off next week at which time they will start doing the orthapaedic operations.”


With contrasting reports coming out of Dunstall Park (Wolverhampton Racecourse) concerning the likely opening date for greyhounds racing – and the closure of Perry Barr – trainer Mark Russell has already decided on a move to Monmore.

Williamson said: “Mark is due here in September and will be bringing somewhere between 15-25 greyhound with him. Despite that influx, we are still interested in taking on another trainer.

“We aren’t desperate. We currently have roughly 430 greyhounds on the strength with a requirement for 432. But given the restrictions on gaps between races, that is a little bit too close to grade comfortably. We also have the the Gold Cup coming up in August so we should be quite comfortable. It is really a case of seeing you is out there.”

Inside the new veterinary clinic

Grab your popcorn

Former racing manager Tony Smith is flagging up a film due to be shown on Tuesday morning that might be of some amusement to greyhound fans.

Called The Turners of Prospect Road, it is an old black and white British comedy made in 1947. The storyline is that a taxi driver is left with an abandoned greyhound pup in his cab. He takes it home and gives it to his daughter to rear. She eventually races it in the Derby.

While no one would claim that the plot or the film were anything out of the ordinary, the racing footage would have been recorded at the very peak of greyhound racing in Britain so may be of interest in a historical context.
It is being shown on TALKING PICTURES TV (Freeview Channel 82)  between 10.45am and noon.

Letter – TV Coverage 

I am a regular reader of the site and I wanted to reply to the readers letter you published yesterday.

I totally agree that the Ayozat programme on Saturday night was of poor quality. Pictures were poor and there were sound issues, it looked low like a low budget production. But the racing that was broadcast was absolutely superb. Throughout this year’s derby the canine athletes on the track have served up plenty of excitement.

I purchased the season ticket for £14.99 and watched all of the derby on my laptop so don’t know if this was your first time watching Ayozat. I would have to totally disagree with you on the actual presenters used. You say Jonathan Hobbs would be the best person to front the show, but despite his years of experience what would he actually bring to enhance the programme? He never goes in-depth on how a race will pan out, instead just give stats and who owns or trains the dogs.

Such information is already to hand, whereas the analysis from people like Tony Bullen was great and I like following his tips. Jason Barrasford has been his usual jovial self when interviewing at the track and also as a presenter, plus the use of Emily Wallis with her beaming smile getting interviews has also been excellent. The head on footage was also fantastic to see as it provided clues for the next round.

I wasn’t aware of the picture loss for the final as my on-line stream was uninterrupted. But for the tv pictures to cut out for the actual final is unforgivable, but I for one am grateful to have been able to watch the biggest event in the sport and with the right tweaking, is a show I would certainly watch on a regular basis, we desperately need the dogs back on sky tv.

Spencer Ward
Thanks for your thoughts Spencer. I think you make some excellent points. I should point out though that the observations about the individual presenters weren’t mine. I have always had some sympathy for the RPGTV/GTV producers in that they are attempting to cover a very wide base between serious punters while trying their hardest to embrace new viewers. The Star has always assumed that our readership has at least a decent understanding of the industry. That said, I do think that the was always a night-and-day difference between the best and worst of the channel’s presenters and the best and worst of the racing. The production quality was never less than excellent in my view – Ed


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Friday: Romford
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