Maurice Newman’s GOSH Charity Golf Day on Wed 13 Sep 2023 at Stapleford Abbotts Golf Club


We, the committee, are pleased to announce that Maurice Newman’s Charity Golf Day to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital will take place at Stapleford Abbots Golf Club on Wednesday 13th September and we would really appreciate you joining us for a great day of golf.

This last golf day in memory of Maurice is not to be missed and although it will not be the same without him it will be a chance to meet and chat to the many people who have supported him and this great charity over many years.

Included below is a recap for the arrangements for this final GOSH Charity Golf Day, as it is now 3 months away.  Please do let us know whether you are able to participate.  The committee and GOSH really welcome your involvement.  And thanks in advance for any support that you can give.

You can help by just coming on the day to support the sports and GOSH representatives, by sponsoring a hole or by playing in a team.  If you cannot come, you can also bid remotely in the online auction.  As usual we have invited our loyal sports personalities; Teddy Sheringham MBE, John Conteh MBE, and Michael Watson MBE.  Please see details below on how to get involved.

This year’s committee is comprised of:  Phil Newman, Beth Walpole, Tony Dark & India Pace, Mick & Jo Godderidge, Stan Kennett, Dave Clark, Steve Fluin and Jo & John Fox.



As per last year, golf will be organised in teams of 4 @ £50 per head and to enter a team, please call Beth at the club on 01708 381108.  We recommend booking early as capacity is limited to 30 teams and we expect the demand to be strong.

Hospitality for both players and sponsors will include all day tea/coffee, breakfast roll from 08:30, mid-course refreshments plus a great 2 course lunch, and an optional Indian meal service from 5pm.  There will also be a raffle and an online auction.



As in prior years, we propose to offer commercial sponsorship opportunities at each of the 18 holes @ £500 each. Alternatively, there is an option for sponsors to advertise on/near the main club house entrance as per last year’s event.  Adverts can be displayed for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the event.  Sponsors can enjoy all day hospitality.

If you have any sponsorship queries, please contact India Pace on 07768 907 782 or [email protected].


Overall, it promises to be a memorable day and your support is very much welcomed and appreciated.  As Maurice said, “GOSH saves kids’ lives!