Playwright and director Louise Powell has released her latest audio drama The Pitmens Flappers which has been commissioned for the BBC New Creatives scheme.
Louise clearly has a love of dog racing and is a former owner at Sunderland. Similar to some of her previous work, the drama is set in the North East flapping scene.
She said: “The Pitmen Flappers is set at Wheatley Hill flapping track, and follows ex-miner Jimmy, who falls foul of loan shark Big Phil. Can Jimmy save his marriage and his greyhound Tyson’s life?”
“This piece is one of several commissioned works I have made about flapping in County Durham: I have also made the commissioned short films This Place is Going to the Dogs (2019), This Used to Be A… (2021) and An Advertisement for Moorfield / A Dirge for the Dogs (2021). I am also finishing up an Arts Council funded novel which revolves around Easington, and have a short narrative flapping film under option set at Cambois.”