It’s a week now since Harry’s funeral it was a wonderful funeral a true perfect greyhound send off, of all the things good with the greyhound racing fraternity, 220 people attendend and £ 800 pound in collection to go to the Durham Retired Greyhound Fund, Crook, and Jack Berry House Injured Jockeys at Malton two charities Harry supported.

Harry would have been over the moon at the collection as he was THE best tipper I’ve met. I would like you to thank his pals who came to the funeral and a bloody good wake !

Thanks to Laura Langstaff and Kelly Macari. The owners loved it they took their dogs names on the balloons home. It was a so touching to see them trying to get the balloons with their dogs names in the cars. Harry would have had a real laugh and have been proud he made so many owners dogs champions !

You didn’t have to pay fortunes for a dog trained by Harry but he made it a champion! He once said to me I think his most expensive dog was£3000. That’s his legacy everyone can own a champion ! And we did achieved this and got great pleasure in making dreams come true

I’m totally overwhelmed by the wonderful messages and people calling to see me and just expressing their admiration for Harry in all this, his kindness and understanding of people trying to achieve in life stood out. I’m so lucky to have been there in Harry’s life and helped him achieve his goals.

I’m going to miss him, but knowing we helped so many young people in life gives me a great 😊 smile x
