Crow’s feat in winning fastest Leger semi

And then there were six . . .and based on semi final betting, the sextet that punters were anticipating all made it through to next Sunday’s Ladbrokes Kent St.Leger Final.

Coonough Crow did what ‘Sheryl’ does best. Bang, gone, rail, and never challenged to clock another sub 45.00 run for the double Golden Jacket finalist. Jacket holder Daxl Rolex was never closer. Considering it was a five runner race, there was more than enough crowding with Ballymac Taylor scraping through in third.

Baywatch Bullet took full advantage of the rails draw with forecast backers queueing up to collect their winnings as they crossed the line for the first time. They might have had minor concerns as the Green hound negotiated the first bend like a speedway rider, but class played out with just a length between the two winners.

As often happens at Crayford though, the draw for the final opened up the whole event.