In memory of Jim Woods

Jim Woods passed away today after a short illness.

Monmore’s former Racing Manager Jim Woods – Pic Steve Nash

Born in London in November 1952 , Jim had a sporty background playing football to a high level as a youngster making a youth cup final playing at Wembley one of his claims to fame. But after a accident in a lift badly damaging his foot, his footballing days where cut short.

Jim began a short career in travel when he left school working for Paris Travel in London but then became interested in greyhounds after a visit to Harringay where he began his career. Jim moved to the Midlands and in 1982 became Racing Manager at Perry Barr also assisting at Hall Green during this time.

He then moved to Nottingham as RM working with his great friend the late Terry Meynell. It was then onto Leeds with a similar appointment before he found his working home for the rest of his long career – at Monmore Green.

Jim made many friends in his time at Monmore especially with his love for golf. He would spend many weekends in tournaments enjoying the craic with the late Peter Billingham as his roommate during many late nights in both Ireland and England.

He was a member of Bloxwich Golf club and would run charity days there and at other courses to raise funds for the Retired Greyhound Trust.

 Jim had a eye for detail and would make sure that he walked the track before every race meeting taking pride in his role and in his thought for the dogs that would be racing daily. He spent his time in the stewards box and would give great direction to his team meticulously watching replays.

I recall one funny occasion back in the mid-nineties. I don’t think Jim found it funny though. The rain was hammering down and the old track was running very slow in the conditions with visible water on the straights.

Jim had a call from reception saying he had just received a special delivery in the post. I don’t think they wanted to bring it up to the stewards box to see his face so I went to get it and bring back up. I handed him canoe oar. I can’t repeat what he said.

Jim was elated when Monmore won the Track Championship in one of his final years he had been trying so hard for many years in super track before this and has always done us proud and also when Chris Allsopp won the trainers championship as we all where at Monmore.

Jim had a eye for a good dog. No wonder he had judged and stewarded the best in his illustrious career. When ever I was with Jim, whether it was on kennel visits, visiting different stadia, or awards, Jim would be held in high regard. It was a honour and privilege for me to learn my role through working with him and I know from myself and all of his friends and colleagues at Monmore he will always be remembered and sadly missed.

RIP Boss

Tony Williamson.

Jim Woods (left) didn’t change much over the years, unlike his young assistants, Tony (centre) and Jim Perkins.