GBGB Chairman, Jeremy Cooper has announced that Promoter Director Ian Smyth has stepped down from the GBGB main board. Making the announcement Cooper said: 

“Ian has been invaluable as a respected board member and his time and efforts on the board have always been extremely productive and for the betterment of the sport. Ian has been a leading force behind many of the welfare reforms and we are hugely grateful for his insight and commitment. We respect Ian’s decision and reasons for stepping down and moreover, he steps down with the full confidence of the board.” 

A recent complaint made against Mr Smyth, relating to an alleged breach of board confidentiality, was investigated and concluded that no further action was to be taken.

Ian Smyth responded by stating:

“I’m grateful to Mark and Jeremy for giving me the chance to work as part of the board. I have learned a lot during my tenure and worked with some great people and while it is regrettable, I do feel my decision to step away at this time, for reasons that are personal to me, is the correct one. I’ll continue to support the aims of GBGB in whatever way I can from afar and will use the time to fully focus on delivering the best possible racing for the good of the sport from my four tracks.”