The latest Gone To The Dogs podcast is live! Dani Jackson is joined by new co-host Joe Conneely as they interview long time owner Paul Carpenter. A bumper episode with lots discussed.

  • Paul talks about his early memories of the sport.
  • Some of the favourite dogs that he has owned down the years. The names from the past include Blackstone Marco, Clondoty Alex and Holden Rio on the way to the likes of Roman Empire and current star Barntick Bear.
  • What were Paul’s most memorable nights at the track?
  • Looking after his retired dog Jake has been a blessing for Paul after a short stint as the GBGB Owners rep.
  • The ‘new world’ of greyhound racing and embracing change.
  • The importance of pushing back against the antis.
  • What turns Paul off about greyhound racing currently?
  • The need to find a way to grow the sport.

You can listen to the Gone To The Dogs podcast by clicking on this link. There is also an extensive back catalogue of the other 40+ episodes to enjoy.