Greyhound Trader is delighted to announce the start of the Greyhound Trader Racing Club!

Expanding on their ways of offering a way into ownership of a racing greyhound, the Racing Club will provide people with the opportunity to join a syndicate at a fraction of the cost of owning a greyhound outright!

The Greyhound Trader Racing Club will operate slightly different to the usual syndicate method of purchasing race-ready greyhounds, and instead focus on purchasing well-bred pups with the potential of turning into top-class racing prospects.

Starting with a dog and bitch of different breeding, shares will be offered out at a price of between £150-£250 which the initial price also covering the keep and schooling of the greyhound to 16-months old.

Racing Club manager Nathan Corden said “We’re really excited to start the Greyhound Trader Racing Club. It is something that has been in the pipeline for a while and it’s nice to finally start it. The idea of purchasing pups is slightly more risky as no one knows how good they could be, but with good breeding and the best of rearing/schooling we are hopeful it can become a successful model for continued success.

Each member will be able to experience ownership of a greyhound from the puppy age to the exciting stage of hitting the schooling track at 12 months old. I believe we are offering a very reasonable and competitive price for the breeding on offer and if it’s successful we will perhaps look to expand on the Club’s initial portfolio further down the line.”

The first pup for sale is a blue August 2022 dog bred Confident Rankin x Dolls Lady, making him a full-brother to Irish star Ballinabola Ed. Named Ballinabola Bill, shares will go on sale at £250 for 5% on Sunday at 10am on a first comes first served basis.

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