We are delighted to announce that GBGB’s Greyhound Ambassadors, with support from friends, raised over £5,000 throughout the English Greyhound Derby. This total will be distributed between approved GRS homing centres associated with Towcester Racecourse to support their important work finding forever homes for the track’s retired racers.

The Ambassadors and their retired greyhounds were busy at every stage of the Derby talking to spectators at the track about the care greyhounds receive before, during and after their racing careers.

GBGB would like to thank every one of the Ambassadors for volunteering their time and for achieving such a fantastic total. We would also like to thank all the racegoers who gave so generously throughout the competition.

Greyhound Ambassador Jayne Conway, who is a longstanding fundraiser at Towcester, said:

“It was fantastic to see the number of retired greyhounds there throughout the Derby who took it all in their stride. They were the best ambassadors for the breed and our sport that you could have wished for. They were not fazed at all by any of it; they were stars.  

“Despite times being very difficult for so many people, the racegoers have been extremely generous and we are thankful for every donation towards this important cause.” 

Gail May, who was ably assisted by her retired greyhound Eric and racer Pablo the Pup, added:

“We had a great time throughout the Derby. We had one brilliant evening where people were able to meet the gorgeous Pablo the Pup. A huge amount was raised as people guessed his weight (it was certainly higher than most predicted). Other nights were a pleasure, too, showing off our gorgeous hounds and highlighting what exceptional pets they make.” 

Mark Burridge, who attended the Derby with his retired racers Sandy and Wolfie, said:

“It has been a delight meeting race goers at Towcester, who have been very generous in supporting our collections. The greyhounds have loved being at the track, particularly when they hear the hare running!  One aspect that has been a real joy to see is the interest the retired greyhounds have received from children. They have been so keen to meet them and have been fascinated by their calm manner.”  

 Ambassador Kim Sanzone, from Derby-sponsor Star Sports, said:  “I’m so pleased that for the second year running my ambassador colleagues have generously given up their spare time to help raise funds for the local GRS homing centres; it is also a fantastic way of raising awareness of our amazing greyhounds as pets.”  

Paula Beniston, GBGB’S GRS Co-ordinator, added:   “On behalf of everyone at GBGB I want to extend a huge thank you to each of the Greyhound Ambassadors for their time and commitment throughout the Derby. Their greyhounds behaved impeccably and were loved by everyone who met them. This total will be a great support to the track’s GRS centres who work tirelessly to find the perfect homes for Towcester’s retiring racers.”  

Special thanks go to:

Ben Keith with Goldie 

Carly Philpott with Billy 

Dave Baldwin 

David Mitchell with George  

Gail May with Eric & Pablo the Pup 

Helen Murray 

Jayne Conway, husband Pete and grandson Jack with Ronnie 

Keelan Fitzpatrick 

Lacie Moran 

Linsey Avery with Eddy 

Mark Burridge with Wolfie & Sandy 

Matt Walker with Jess 

Melissa Solkhon with Chunk 

Maia Keen  

Nicky Solkhon with Leila 

Stephen Avery 

Retired greyhounds pose for a team photo at their fund raising Meet and Greet on Saturday evening – L-R: Vicky Holmes and David Mitchell with Blue Tick George; Linsey Avery and Kim Sanzone with Eddy; Gail May and Carly Philpott with Eric.
Star Sports & TRC Derby 2nd Round heats.
Towcester Saturday 28th May 2022
Photo: © Steve Nash