Mark Pierrepont’s Derby halfway times have proven massively popular with readers during the last couple of Derbys. They are all accurately digitally recorded to a point close to the third bend and give a useful guide when comparing the early paced efforts across 32 first round heat.

We have colour coded them – into roughly thirds – to help split up the table visually. We may tweak the presentation as the event goes on.

It will perhaps come as no surprise to anyone watching Bubbly Apache’s flying start – within one spot of the sectional record – in heat 22, to see Paul Young’s RPGTV Juvenile winner near the top of the chart.

The fact that at the ‘halfway’, he was still clear of the track record breaking Lautaro is interesting in itself.

Of course if you are looking for a few second round pointers, you could do worse than look in the ‘red’ section for hounds who you might normally expect to be more prominent but were perhaps unlucky on their last visit to traps.