AUSTRALIAN FEED SMALLPerhaps THE single biggest disparity – between Australian Formula and every other greyhound food on the market, is the fat and oil component.

Our fundamental approach to feeding is best demonstrated by the importance that we place on this most critical aspect of feeding.

To ‘crack’ the fat and oil dilemma, you cannot avoid two issues – cost and expertise.

Fats can be one of the cheapest ingredients to purchase by the ton; they can also be one of the most expensive.


Current increases in ingredient costs are widening the divide between us and all other dog foods even further.

The Australian Formula Promise:

‘We have never and will not ever change our formulation to save money on the ingredients.’

Most dog foods contains just one type of fat, and often quite a nasty one at that.

It is our belief that you cannot achieve maximum performance utilising just one low grade animal fat.



Athletes in every branch of sport must have a complete understanding of the fats and oils in their diets. Greyhound trainers have the responsibility of ensuring that they feed their greyhounds to the best of their ability.

Yet they are bombarded with information about dietary fat and hear much about ‘saturated’ and ‘polyunsaturated fats’ and ‘essential fatty acids’.


UNDERSTAND their importance and you can begin to grasp why we have placed so much time and effort in being different from the rest:

Saturated fats: These fats are fully saturated with the maximum amount of hydrogen.

These fats are hard at room temperature and a dog food manufacturer using these has to heat them up in a storage tank before they are liquid enough to use.

Saturated fats come mostly from animal sources although cheap vegetable sources such as palm oil are also high in them. Saturated fats don’t bring any health benefits.

Polyunsaturated fats: These fats have the least hydrogen and hence are liquid at room temperature and even at cold temperatures.
Rich sources of these fats include vegetable oils and fish oils. These have a wide range of health and performance advantages.

Essential fatty acids: These are a sub-category of polyunsaturated fats and are the ones that a dog has to obtain from its diet, as the dogs own body can’t make them. These are grouped into two series:

The Omega 3 series               The Omega 6 series

Most human and canine diets have more than enough Omega 6 fatty acids. The Omega 3 series are often in serious shortage especially when cheap fat sources are used. Omega 3 sources include flax seed and fish oils.


didyouknowPerformance advantages of Omega 3 fatty acids:

Studies have shown that omega 3 fatty acids can lead to improvements in strength and endurance summarized as follows:

• Improved delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells because of reduced blood viscosity.

• More flexible red blood cell membranes and improved oxygen delivery.

• Enhanced aerobic metabolism.

• Increased energy levels and stamina.

• Anti-inflammatory, helping to prevent joint, tendon and ligament strains.

• Reduction of inflammation caused by over-training, assisting injury healing.

These advantages are absolutely vital if you are looking for maximum athletic performance and recovery.


AUSTRALIA MONEY PROMISEAsk yourself a question. When a budget manufacturer is looking to cut costs to a minimum how much of an emphasis does he place on a balanced Omega 3 – Omega 6 ratio?

We believe that Australian Formula was the first specialist greyhound feed specialy created with an Omega 3:6 balance.

Trainers will see an immediate benefit of an oil balance in the form of an improved coat – and long term gain in the form of faster recovery from exercise and injury.
Good feeding alone can not turn slow dogs into fast ones. But winning is usually dictated by narrow margins.
Feed second best and . . . .


To order the premium brand that sets the standards for all others to follow contact:

Steve Clark: 00353 86 0507039