All essential work has been completed at Suffolk Downs and the track waits for inspection by GBGB in preparation for licensing from early January.

Promoter Kevin Boothby said: “We are ready to go, everything is operational from the scales in the paddock to the traps, hare system and timing system. The new vet’s room is fully fitted to include a fridge and TV monitor to watch the racing.

“Paul Illingworth has been off over Christmas but the plan is for him to visit on January 3. If we get the go-ahead, I think we could be ready to trial later that week.”

View from the judge’s box

The biggest change that racegoers from ‘Mildenhall’ will notice is a complete revamp of the kennel area. It is unrecognisable from the original and includes a new heating/air conditioning system.

Boothby said: “The kennels went over budget at more than £25,000 but I think it is money well spent. The dog’s welfare has to come first and we haven’t skimped a penny.”

The racing equipment is sourced from a variety of sources. The traps are the old 428m boxes from Henlow, attached to a gantry from Towcester.

There is some original re-cycled Mildenhall hardware plus newly purchased equipment.

One remaining job is to build a gantry below the judge’s box for the video camera.

Boothby said: “The original was attached to the box we are using for the hare driver and doesn’t give a good view.

“We think it is important that the punters get the best possible camera angle. Treat them with the respect that they are entitled to. They pay the wages.”

The track will also have a new standard distance of 388 metres (previously 375m) with the winning line having moved closer to the first bend for a longer run-in. The traps are on site, but not yet fitted, for the six bend trip which is expected to be around 550m.

Boothby said: “We will be racing on the SIS service on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. We are looking at a kennel strength of 320 dog and we will easily exceed that. I think we have turned down more trainers than we have taken on.

“Suffolk downs is what it is. We don’t need crowds for the early morning meetings but we have a tea bar put aside for the trainers and I think we will end up a bit of crack between the trainers. We are also planning four major competitions during the year, to be held at the weekend, but we won’t finalise them until we are licensed.”

Trainers’ tea bar

The starting traps in situ

“Everybody has worked really hard to get to this stage. Materials and staff have been hard to come by but Dave (Boothby) and the lads have been staying locally to get everything done on time. We are now just waiting to hear what Paul Illingworth has to say about it.”