Rásaíocht Con Éireann (RCÉ) / Greyhound Racing Ireland carried has out a record 2,246 welfare inspections and inspections of greyhound establishments during the first ten months of 2022. 

The number of inspections conducted by RCÉ Welfare Officers for the entire year will be more than double the previous record number of inspections (1,221) carried out in 2021.

RCÉ Welfare Officers served 87 Fixed Payment Notices of €250 last year for a range of offences, including failure to notify the sale, purchase, or death of a greyhound, under Section 10 (6) of the Welfare of Greyhounds Act 2011.  An additional 8 Welfare Notices were served under the Welfare of Greyhounds Act 2011 with 4 Welfare Notices being served under the Animal Health & Welfare Act 2013.

The number of Welfare Officers deployed across the country now stands at 20, up from 17 in 2021.

Mr. Barry Coleman, RCÉ Care & Welfare Manager, said that while compliance with legislation and engagement with the Rásaíocht Con Éireann Traceability System (RCÉTS) remains very high, “we are fully committed to ensuring the welfare of greyhounds across the State receives the highest level of protection.”

“Our growing team of Welfare Officers will continue to carry out extensive inspections and where necessary, impose sanctions following investigations,” he added.

Mr. Coleman urged owners and trainers to remind themselves of their statutory requirements under the Welfare of Greyhounds Act 2011 and their obligation to provide regular updates on their greyhounds on RCÉTS. Updates can be provided on www.rcets.ie or by downloading the RCÉTS IOS App in the Apple App Store or the RCÉTS Android App in the Google Play Store. 

Meanwhile, RCÉ has this week added three additional branded vans to its fleet of vehicles as the representative organisation for the greyhound industry continues to implement a zero-tolerance approach to any breaches of the regulations relating to ownership, sale or treatment of greyhounds across Ireland.

The three new Ford Transit Connect LWB vehicles each feature internal greyhound transporting cages, electric air vents and storage areas for leads, muzzles, drinks bowels and other greyhound related utilities. The vehicles also feature RCÉ branding with “Welfare Officer” and the RCÉ 24/7 Careline (061-448100) and email address ([email protected]).

Mr. Coleman said that said all reports of the alleged mistreatment of greyhounds are investigated by a designated Welfare Officer of RCÉ.

“Information provided to us through these channels will be treated confidentially which is important,” stated Mr. Coleman. “There is no place for cruelty or poor animal welfare practices within the greyhound industry.”