Coolavanny Shado was withdrawn from the ARC Laurels Final on Wednesday morning.

Trainer Patrick Janssens said: “He has a slight problem with a hock. He isn’t walking lame, but if he starts to trot, you can see it in his action. It is one of those that the vet wouldn’t have picked up but run him with a problem like that and I guarantee he would finish with a broken hock.

“He will probably be off for around six weeks and then we’ll get him checked over. The Derby is out but I wasn’t expecting anything from that anyway. He barely gets the 500 metres and is much better suited to tracks like Yarmouth and Oxford. There are a load of races for him later in the year”

Although he was beaten in his semi final, Patrick was delighted with the third place Goldies Perryman.

He said: “There was a time that when he missed his break, he would be guaranteed to be gone. But he showed a lot of guts to run on to qualify. We know what he is, and that is vulnerable if he doesn’t trap. But Shado is one very fast greyhound and fingers crossed we will get to see more of that later in the year.”