Here is the latest list of British litters born and registered in 2019. Liz Mort, Keeper of the Greyhound Stud Book is unhappy that a recent article stated that the number of British litters was significantly lower than the previous year.

What was inadvertently missing was the phrase invariably tacked onto these figures as they have been reported in the Star over many years, ‘subject to late registrations‘. Again ‘late’ doesn’t mean ‘late beyond the rules’, but ‘later than year end’. Since the registrations trickle through in ever decreasing numbers throughout the following year, we determined many years ago to have a cut-off on December 31.

The main point is, Liz confidently expects the final figures to be very similar to last year and we will update the list of litters as they become available.

However, any additions are extremely likely to materially affect the main thrust of the article which was comparing GBGB registrations with litters born British and Irish – since the UK total is around a tenth of the Irish figures.

Hopefully that clears up any misunderstanding.