After weeks of promises, we are finally able to unveil two new Greyhound Star Apps – an update to the iPhone App, which was launched when the newspaper evolved into the website seven years ago, plus, for the first time, an Android version.

Both should now be capable of displaying the site on your phones. In truth, there have been a couple of glitches with the Android option. (Click on the lower section to launch) Most have been ironed out, but if you are still having problems, get in touch [email protected]. Of course some readers may still prefer to view the main website from their browser.

The biggest benefit of the updates is a renewed ability to play videos on  mobile phones. With two thirds of our readers viewing the news from their phones, we suspended including videos and made them available on the Youtube Channel where they can still be found.

In addition to the race videos, we will be bringing back the Zoom calls including the hugely popular Thinking Thursday feature. Surely there is nothing else quite like it in the industry?

Going forward, we have various other projects in place including a closer liaison with under the stewardship of the talented Steve Cale.

Finally – the whole site is long overdue an overhaul, a situation not helped (financially) by Covid. But we’ll get there!

We’ve been the industry’s no.1 specialist news outlet since 1983 – and we’re not planning on going anywhere!