Tomorrow is the big day! The Click Competitions East Anglian Derby Final at Yarmouth.

A test pilot to see what is possible when it comes to producing an outside broadcast in 2024 and beyond. This is not one person and a camera phone, this is a full crew production all at Yarmouth trying to produce a show that the sport as a whole wants to watch.

Nothing will ever replace those heady Sky nights but as Floyd spoke about in his excellent recent Editor’s Chair column, it is all about incremental gains. If what is done tomorrow can be improved by a couple of percent in show two, another couple in show three, then hopefully we have a vehicle for success.

It’s not going to be perfect (nothing in life is) but the work that has gone on behind the scenes on this has been tremendous. There will be people who love what we produce tomorrow, there will be people that don’t. You can’t please everyone. There are going to be opportunities to give constructive criticism for the next show, with emphasis on constructive!

On-screen talent

You all know by now that Dani Jackson and Jonathan Hobbs will host the show. Joe Conneely will be in the betting ring where he will be joined by Gary Wiltshire. Those who know Gary, understand the passion that he has for the greyhound industry. In the commentary box is Darrell Williams. A safe pair of hands on Sky Sports Racing, he will guide us through the on track action.

Trying something new

One thing that horse racing does well these days is recognise the work that goes on behind the scenes. Greyhound racing would not happen without the dedicated kennel staff who look after the stars. Each race will have a best turned out cash award for the kennel staff who look after the dog in question so brushes at the ready! That is to the tune of £50 per race kindly sponsored by Time Greyhound Nutrition.

You will be able to send in any questions or comments on the night to [email protected] which might get read out live on air. As such, keep them suitable for broadcast please.

We hope that you enjoy the first edition of Gone To The Dogs – Live! Save the link –