Earlier today I agreed to speak to BBC Radio Essex who had invited Blue Cross to give a platform to their campaign, launched today, to end greyhound racing.

From a personal perspective, I find the whole thing deeply awkward, and a sharp reminder of why I am a writer, not a broadcaster. I’m bloody hopeless at interviews.

But when push came to shove, I felt the debate needed someone prepared to speak up on behalf of this industry without the constraints of being an employee of a governing body or listed company.

There are a couple of embarrassing mistakes in the interview (“why did I just say that?”) when referring to Clarissa Baldwin as being a ‘Board’ director, when I meant ‘PGR Board Director’. Secondly, there is a reference to Professor ‘Melanie’ Campbell, when I clearly meant ‘Madeleine’ (I knew a Melanie Campbell at school – doh).

Anyway – this is it – unedited