Jimmy Wright, assistant trainer to Angela Harrison, and one of the most respected dog men in the industry has confirmed that he is suffering from Motor Neurone Disease (MND) – writes Floyd Amphlett.

The muscular/brain degenerative disease is currently not curable though progress has been made in slowing down its development to allow sufferers to cope with the condition for longer.

He said: “I think most people know by now so I may as well go public. I first suspected that I had it about a year ago and the tests have now confirmed it. I’ve seen it before and recognised the symptoms, my father had it 40 years ago and I came back from playing football in Australia to take care of him.”

Roughly one in ten sufferers are reckoned to inherit the condition which sees a gradual deterioration in movement eventually leading to slurred speech and eventual paralysis.

He said: “I have some weakness down my left side but it isn’t stopping me working. We have a great team here and although this setback has meant we haven’t done as much open racing as we might have done.

“But I am dealing with it. I firmly believe that they will eventually find a cure. There was a huge charity foundation set up for Dodie Weir and they are making great progress. At this stage, the doctors are looking at ways of lessening the symptoms and it looks as though I am being signed up as a guinea pig for a new treatment that they are trying.”

It has been a tough couple of years for the kennel with Angela having successfully come through treatment for cancer.

But Jimmy remains upbeat.

Hospital tests have meant that he has turned down the dubious opportunity of spending a whole seven days with Rab McNair on holiday in Spain.

Jimmy said: “I couldn’t risk it. He would take any sign of weakness as a chance to throw me in the pool.”

Stick in there Jimmy, the industry is right behind you.