Former open race star Havana Class is at the centre of a welfare storm with news that he has been sold to China.

A story that the dog had been exported has appeared on the CAGED UK website, and there seems little doubt that it is correct. The circumstances are now being investigated.

The multiple Cat One finalist and Laurels winner was retired through injury last September and was nursed back to full health at the KSS Syndicate Kennel in Kent before returning to breeder Drew Richards in Northern Ireland.

KSS Assistant Trainer Rab McNair said: “I’ve just found out. This is fucking horrendous. I have been on to Drew to find out what has happened. Class left here on November 4 last year and was sent back to Drew as agreed. He was in great shape and the plan was for him to cover some bitches.

“As far as we know, that was the end of it. A happy retired greyhound. Now we found out the dog is apparently in China. Brendan (Keogh) has gone beserk. There is no way would we ever – I mean, ever – think of selling a dog to China. We were offered €100,000 for King Eden and €100,000 for King Turbo at the end of their racing careers and they were both turned down flat.

“If there had even been the slightest suggestion that Class was going to be sold on, we would have kept him here. We have a kennel full of our oldies here, plus others in the house, and Class would have fitted right in. He was a lovely greyhound. I don’t know whether I am more sad than angry and I have already spelled it out to Drew.”

Drew Richards said: “CAGED were onto me and I have told them exactly what happened. I was approached by a man (“Michael Sullivan”) from Ardfinnan in Tipperary. He seemed nice enough, and said he was interested in buying the dog and that he would cover a lot more bitches in that area than he would where I am based. I sold him for just a token figure of €2,000 with the promise that I could send some of my own bitches to him. We agreed and the dog was due to arrive with him on or around March 22.

“I realised that there was something wrong about three weeks ago when I arranged to meet him at the garage in Ardfinnan because I had a bitch for mating. He never turned up. When I tried to phone him the number was unobtainable.

“Now no one seems to have heard of the guy. I’m absolutely livid, I would never have sold the dog if I had the faintest idea that this was going to happen. I thought I was doing the right thing by the dog in terms of a stud career. Rab has gone mad and rightly so, but this ‘Michael Sullivan’ had better hope I never get to lay hands on him.”

** We have seen copies of the texts between Drew Richards and ‘Michael Sullivan’ as were also forwarded to CAGED UK – Ed