Correction – to the previous report

The Central Park management are to monitor trck conditions – meeting by meeting – following major issues with a heavily waterlogged track.

Racing has NOT been suspended, but will be monitored on an ongoing basis to determine if the circuit is raceable. Sunday’s meeting was cancelled with the track deemed unsuitable for racing.

The long term issues are still to be resolved and will entail a significant study of the underlying issues relating to an apparent high water table. Should matters be unmanageable, the subsequent assessment and works are likely to run into many weeks.


ARC’s Greyhound Operations Director Rachel Corden said: ”

“There has been a marked change in the ability for the track at Central Park to cope with heavy or prolonged rainfall in recent months. As we have not been happy with the resulting surface during those specific weather conditions, there have been a number of cancellations, which we know is a significant frustration for all concerned.  We would, of course, like to apologise to owners, trainers and all other connections who have been inconvenienced by one of these cancelled fixtures.

“We are committed to resolving the issues as soon as possible, and are working with STRI and other third parties to do so. We currently await further investigations and reports, in order that we can fully understand and resolve these issues.

“This is not a track maintenance issue, more the fact that the track sits within a bowl and it is impacted by the influence of water movement across the site as a whole, alongside the further impact this has on the local water table.

“The investigations are complex and will take some time, so we would ask all of our stakeholders to bear with us until we gain a full understanding, following which appropriate action will be taken. We are committed to resolving matters as early as practicable, which will include raising the track and re-laying should that ultimately be deemed necessary”.