Greyhound Trader are pleased to announce their sales schedule for the first 6-months of 2023.
Online – 6-8 January
Sheffield – Wednesday 18th January
Online – 3-5 February
Henlow – Wednesday 22nd February
Towcester – Wednesday 8th March
Yarmouth – Thursday 27th April
Oxford – Thursday 18th May
Doncaster – Thursday 22nd June
Nathan Corden said ‘We’re delighted to be able to announce our sales schedule for the first half of 2023. More and more vendors are getting in touch every month asking to join the sales so the plan in 2023 is to hold a sale each month of the year (except December).

The Sheffield sale in January should attract a few nice types with greyhounds being aimed for the Monmore Puppy Derby in March and the Sheffield Puppy Derby in April. Then after that obviously our big one is the Towcester Pre-Derby sale in March which produced not only a Derby Finalist last year but also a Category 1 winner! I hope to announce plans to invite owners for breakfast at the Pre-Derby sale and make it a special occasion for prospective owners as it should be.

Henlow, Yarmouth, Oxford and Doncaster form the remainder of our 6-month calendar and I am hopeful that in the 2nd half of the year we can return to some of our former sales venues.’

Dates have also been included for the first 2 Online Auctions scheduled for 2023. A great success in 2022, they will very much be a part of Greyhound Trader’s plans in 2023 and will be sure to attract some high-profile greyhounds being perhaps perfectly timed for the soon approaching English Greyhound Derby in May. Additional dates for later in the year will be announced in due course.
After the conclusion of the remaining competitions in 2022, Greyhound Trader will also be publishing a review of the year gone by which will include their Greyhound of the Year award, as well as a new ‘Greyder’ of the Year award aimed for graders. Each recipient will receive a personal hamper as well as a generous gift voucher to use at the 2023 Greyhound Trader sales.