GBGB Trainers Representative Peter Harnden is asking for feedback from his fellow trainers on a proposed changed to the rules of racing. Following on the example set by ARC and Entain tracks, whereby greyhounds must be trialed at a track before they can be accepted for opens, the Board are seeking opinion on whether the rule should be extended to all open races.

Harnden said: “Given what has happened in the past whereby there could have been a conflict between my peronal opinion and my board responsibilities, I want to make it clear that I am canvassing opinion, not campaigning with a particular view. I will express my personal opinion in private conversations, but they won’t be made public.

“Everybody must be free to speak openly so that the directors know how trainers feel as a group. It will be those opinions that I will submit to the board, irrespective of whether or not I share them.”