Norfolk based trainer Kevin Boon is asking for an industry re-think after seeing one of his entries fail to be accepted for the 36 runner Ladbrokes Gold Cup.

The two Monmore Cat One events are invariably over-subscribed, the four bend event by 20 entries this time around and the 630m event by half a dozen.

Although Boon has two runners in the Stayers Classic, Farneys Lark and Bettys Book, he was particularly irritated that Easy Shot didn’t make the cut.

He said: “In the case of Ocean Torpedo, I accept that his form isn’t good enough, but I would take issue with Easy Shot. I made two seven-hour round trips to Monmore and on times she should have been in there, and she is a wide runner.Yes, I do have runners in the stayers race, but given their form they could hardly not be accepted.

“I see this situation happening regularly when us smaller trainers find ourselves missing out because some of the so-called big names have entered, even if they haven’t trialled. Trialing was a complete waste of time. For some of the young trainers starting out, with possibly only one decent class dog in the kennel, it must be soul destroying.

“If the industry wants to keep owners and trainers in the industry, and take the strain off graded racing, why not change the way the competitions are set-up? Make events like this open to 48 runners, on the understanding that they can be easily reduced to 36 runners if they don’t fill?”

Notwithstanding the Kings Lynn trainer’s frustrations, he will be welcomed back to the paddock by his follow handlers, and the Monmore staff, following a serious kidney complaint.

He said: “I’m feeling a bit better now and have been at Nottingham for the last three Mondays. But I will be making some adjustments by cutting down my numbers to around six. As for getting out of the game, well I couldn’t could I? I love it too much.”